he Q IT software company, one of the fastest growing IT companies in Europe, according to Deloitte, has been operating at a new location since the beginning of this year. Their sixth global office was opened in New York, the digital hub of the eastern coast of the United States. The office is located in the center of New York, more precisely in Manhattan, and besides this location, Q still operates from Zurich, Oslo, Belfast, Los Angeles and Zagreb, where the company's headquarters are located.

The key person and manager of the new office is Mick de Meijer, former executive director of several marketing agencies and people with strong experience in project management and business development. In her twelve-year work, Mick has successfully consulted more than 100 companies and worked directly with brands such as Victoria's Secret, Trojan or Heinz.

Q has so far helped a number of US companies in their technology development, of which companies such as United States Postal Services, Facebook, Walmart and Coca-Cola should definitely be listed. They have worked differently for them, ranging from genialising the employment process to the system that employees use in their daily work.

"New office in New York brings new challenges, but also more opportunities for growth and progress. The goal of the new office is to get closer to US clients and offer them a local team and top service. We are 100% of our revenue gained by exports, and one of the strategic goals for 2019 is to further activate the US market. We also seek to encourage American investors and businessmen to cooperate, and we already have a few investors to come to Croatia, "said Filip Ljubić, CEO Qa.

Last year, the REBRAND 100® Global Award included Q among the world's best brands along with US companies such as Cadillac, Hewlett-Packard, or McAfee. The REBRAND 100® Global Award is a global award that is awarded for brand excellence, and besides being the winner of this prestigious award, Q is also proclaimed the national winner of the European Business Award in the competition of 110,000 companies from across Europe.


(source: profitiraj.hr)